Corruption in Native Police Force

Case Study on Reform and Cultural Misunderstanding

  • Municipal Police pocket-hole of corruption
  • 270 member police force
  • Oversee open markets with 4000 vendors
  • 65  established  public markets
  • 300  permanent  street kiosks
  • Extortion and abuse
  • All male-dominated force
  • Low salaries
  • Monopoly + Discretion – Accountability
  • 60% partially illiterate
  • 20% functionally illiterate
  • Lost city revenues of about $us 2M over 30M
  • Police incompetence
  • Command & control of diverse activities: e.g. sanitary conditions in restaurants, hygiene in public facilities, public safety, etc.
  • Rampant corruption



The Evidence-Based policing is an approach to policymaking and tactical decision-making for police departments. Advocates of evidence-based policing emphasize the value of statistical data of evidence-based policing in action.

Examples of evidence-based policing show promising results that might be applicable in your jurisdictions. The research is based on rigorous evaluation often done with randomized controlled trials (RCTs), considered the gold standard in scientific methodology. [4-6] RCTs are methodology designs used to compare the counterfactual (what would have happened at the same time as the intervention) but were not discovered because something else was done. They are essentially randomized comparisons of an equal number of treatments (interventions) compared to the business as usual (controls). ​​

They started on 9 January 2020 and will end at the end of August 2020.